Starting Fresh

One of my goals this year is to streamline my social media pages so they aren’t as cluttered and are a touch more organized in terms of content. I’ve gone through my TikTok and Instagram pages and deleted a bunch of posts and am trying to post once a day on each page. So far, so good in that regard. I’m horrible at keeping up with trends, but I’m learning what types of posts are best and started using Instagram Reels a little more, which has helped with interaction with other authors as well as readers.

If you listened to the latest podcast, you’ll know that I’ve started an Instagram page for my spiritual stuff and tarot reading (plus the chakra healing and energy healing). I’ve recorded additional mediations as well but those aren’t posted yet. If you want to follow me for this on Instagram, you can find me HERE.

I’m happy to report that writing is going well on all projects! After looking at my schedule and finances, I may have to push back on some of my planned releases, but I will have at least three new books out this year. I also am focusing on two that I plan to submit to agents/publishers.

Stay tuned for updates~ a lot is coming down the pipe ❀

Happy New Year

Happy 2023! I’m wishing you all a happy, healthy, wonderful new year ❀

I’m brushing off the blog πŸ™‚ In hopes of posting at least once a week for the entire year- that’s the goal I’ve set for myself. After sitting down and really looking at where I’d like to be with my writing at the end of 2023, I’ve set a handful of goals for all of my social media pages. I am currently on:

TikTok ~ Instagram ~ Facebook

I did end up deleting my Twitter account- for both of my pen names -for a few reasons. The number one and most important reason was that I was not on that platform enough to warrant keeping it. Once I realized just how little I used it, on top of what was going down over there, I decided it wasn’t worth keeping it. I’ve decided to keep the above three as well as my YouTube channel, which I use for both my book trailers and my podcast.


Alternatively, you can listen to the podcast on:

Podbean ~ Apple ~ Spotify

I’m still having a lot of fun with the podcast and am hoping to record more this year as well! I’m working on some merch for Haunted October’s Paranormal Podcast and am loving it πŸ™‚

You can still find me on Pinterest as well.

I will be updating the main website as well as the blog theme this month- both are due for a brushing up!

In writing news, I’ll admit to having trouble getting anything finished over the last year. I’ve been working through a lot of personal things and outside stresses have played a part as well. I’ve been writing, but not finishing. That said, the writing has been on fire the last few months- my trip to Scotland in October really helped me πŸ™‚ I’m hoping to have at least two books out this year as well as submitting to publishers and agents with another book. I’ll have some covers to share soon as well! I did get one new book published under my Libby Bishop pen name, so if you’re up for some romance starring yourself, head over to my other page for info πŸ™‚

Libby Bishop

In personal news, I sold my house over the summer and am now in a cozy apartment. I was ready to sell the house, and frankly, it was too expensive and too big for just me. My emotions did get the best of me a few times during the process of selling it, both because of some issues that came up (we won’t even go there!) as well as saying goodbye to my home of nine and half years. The actual move was stressful (again, we won’t even go there!), but I got through it.

Back in October, I took my first solo trip overseas, to Scotland. What an amazing country! I cannot wait to go back- I had the best time and felt so at home there. If you follow my other social media, you’ll know how stressful I find airports- I almost turned around in the airport before ever boarding! I don’t mind the plane, or the flying. Just the airport gives me overwhelming anxiety LOL I’m so happy I pushed myself and got on that plane!

I cannot wait to share more stories with you- on here as well the podcast. Thank you so much for sticking with me so long between books!

Here’s to a wonderful, productive, and less stressful 2023. I know we can all use a little breather ❀

Well, Hello There!

Hello, my lovelies πŸ™‚ I apologize for the long blog absence! Here’s what I’ve been up to…

Writing…and the podcast…and getting my house ready to sell. I’ve posted on Instagram and TikTok but was waiting for some book news before posting here. However, it’s been too long and even with no book news, I wanted to post πŸ™‚

I took a few days away from the television and social media not long ago and it did wonders for my writing. My writing really took off! I have a lot of forward momentum with three of the books I’m working and I could not be more excited. If you’ve been wanting to do a break from social media, I highly suggest doing so. I plan on doing another break soon- I even slept better for those few days.

I’m revising Tuck 3, The Arena, a little bit as the rights revert back to me soon and I want to get it back out on the market as soon as I can. I’ve finished the first round, just some minor changes throughout and a bigger change at the end, but the story remains the same. In this process, I’ve began working on the 4th, and final, book in the series…which I’ve been stuck on for ages, it seems.

I’m also working on TWO new books, unrelated to any of my series and another book in the Isles and West world (a stand-alone that I am having a blast writing!).

As for reading, I’ve just finished the new book in the Ellie Jordan series, by J.L. Bryan (I’ve highlighted that series on the blog before). Cabinet Jack was a great edition to the series and highly recommend giving it a read if you loved the other books!

click image to go to Amazon

I will have a new podcast up tonight! The links will go live as soon as it’s uploaded and I do hope you’ll give it a listen ❀

I’m hoping to post on here more, so stayed tuned for new posts and book news in the future!

Editing and Editors

You know that saying “a good editor is worth their weight in gold and then some”? It’s true! I am reminded of this every time I get first edits back from a publisher πŸ™‚

Over the last few days, I have been working on first round edits for Salt and Iron, the first Billie Shane book (a novella). I finished the initial pass today and as I read the editors comments I found myself both smiling as well as having several *headdesk* moments for not realizing what I’d missed before. This happens every single time I get edits back.

Every. Single. Time.

I can’t speak for other authors, but I love when I click with an editor. That doesn’t always happen, so when it does I’m eternally thankful that the stars moved into alignment ❀

I will do another pass-through or two before sending these edits back, and then another round will come through.

I’m loving working on Salt and Iron again, and it’s driving the word count up on book two in the process πŸ™‚ I have so many ideas for Billie, but I know her overall arc. She’ll probably have three books, maybe four.

I can’t wait for you all to read the book!

In other news, I have created a blog for the podcast:

click the logo to go to the blog πŸ™‚


I wanted to make it easier for listeners to contact me as well as giving the podcast a place of its own besides the Podbean landing page. So if you are a fan of the podcast, please give the blog a follow to keep up with podcast news!

In non-writing related news, I took a drive yesterday for the first time in three months! I drove up the interstate and then back home I took the scenic route. It was so refreshing to see a change of scenery! I’ve been the same place for three months~ home to work and back (about a mile and half each way), and the grocery store is in between the two. We’ve opened up here a little bit and I so needed that drive. More than I can put into words.

It’s spring in Vermont and everything is blooming and turning green, so the scenic drive was beautiful! I didn’t get out of the car, but it was just nice to see the beauty and enjoy getting out for a couple of hours.

I hope you all are well! ❀ ❀ ❀

And as soon as I have a cover for Salt and Iron, I will share that and the blurb here on the blog πŸ™‚

New Author Merchandise

Happy Sunday! How are you all holding up? ❀

If you follow me on my other social media, you’ll know that I ordered some new merch for my new logos~ for October Weeks and the podcast. I still have some tumblers coming as well as some new mugs, but my zip up hoodie and tank top arrived. I am so in love! I only ordered one of each because I wanted to see how they looked printed, and, as she normally does, the lovely Niki at Once Design knocked it out of the park πŸ™‚

(pardon the vacuum and the plastic in the room in the background πŸ™‚ I am in the middle of moving stuff around/cleaningΒ  πŸ˜‰ )

The Zip-Up Hoodie

so damn comfy and lightweight!


The Tank Top

so soft and comfy!


I wore these this morning when I did a quick workout and that tank top *shaking head* LOVE πŸ™‚Β 

I got the necklace on my New Zealand tripΒ 


I’m definitely going to be ordering more of these, in different sizes, for readers and listeners! I’ll probably wait until the other new merch arrives to do so, though.

I hope you all are well~ I am sending love and light to all of you ❀


Writing and Cooler Weather

My apologies- I didn’t realize how long it’s been since I last posted!

A little catch-up:

I am currently focusing on two projects. The first Sera book has now passed 36k, and from what else still needs to happen, I feel it’s safe to say that the first draft will come in around 65k/70k. We learn a bit more about the world in this one: how ghosts/the Dark and Glory have affected wars, genocide, and such, and of course how the gift of being an Exorcist works. I’ve given tidbits of that in the Isles and West series, because Roman has made appearances and he’s an exorcist. Sera is the narrator of the new book (probably a dulogy, maybe a trilogy) and since she’s an exorcist you will get to see first hand how the gift works and the toll it can take on a person- both the gifted, and the person/place they’re exorcising.

I’m hoping to have the first book done by the end of the month.

The other series I’m working on is the dark cozy mystery I’ve been mentioning on and off. Book one is complete, and is actually on submission to a publisher. I’m waiting to hear back and I’m hoping to have news soon πŸ™‚ I’m currently writing the second book in this series. I hesitate to share too much, even the series name and main character, but I will say that it is based in the Isles and West world. The town is in Vermont but not one of the tri-towns, and there is a new set of characters. This series is also lighter than the Isles and West series, and has more romance/romantic elements. Though, romance is not the focus of the series, but it does play a larger roll.

The reason I call it a dark cozy mystery is because there are still dark elements in the books. Dark enough that I wouldn’t put it in the light paranormal cozy category, but still far lighter than the Isles and West series. I’m hoping book two will be done by October.

In other news, the weather is cooling down, and you can see and feel hints of autumn in the air. As autumn is my favorite season, this makes me very happy πŸ™‚ Leaves are beginning to change color, the morning air is cooler, and all my favorite holidays are approaching. Hot cocoa, fresh apple cider, harvest foods, hoodies, sweaters, refreshing crisp air…etc. I feel much better in the fall, and am more active. And, of course, there are new horror movies and new seasons of tv shows.

I’m very much looking forward to season two of The Exorcist on FOX, and TLC’s Kindred SpiritsΒ for television shows.


For movies, I can’t wait to watch Little Evil on Netflix and Jigsaw.


What are you looking forward to seeing/doing this coming haunting season?


Supernatural Sunday

In writing news:

*Sera’s story is now over 15k! I’m excited where this story is leading. It gained a lot of momentum over the weekend, and I added a little over 4k. I can see exactly where the first book is leading, and know the ending. This is definitely a two book story.

*Short stories- two are done. One for Tuck, and one for the Isles and West series (in Milly’s POV).

*Tuck #3 has found its voice and I’m excited to see where Tuck takes me this time.

*A new, stand-alone slayer story has started. It features a new slayer, and her story feels quite epic πŸ™‚

*The Damned (Tuck Houston #1) will be going on sale March 17th-19th for $0.99. So if you haven’t started the series, that will be a good time to pick up the first book ❀

In other news, I’ve cut the cord with my cable company and have been finding my way around my smart tv and Netflix. I’m loving this no commercial thing πŸ˜€ I’ve start binge watching Supernatural (I’ve not seen past Season 4, since I didn’t get the CW with my Directv package) and iZombie (a show I never got to see and am LOVING IT!). I have the CW app on the smart tv, so I can watch the current episodes once I catch up on Netflix with past season of both shows.

I’ve also found a a new love for the tv show Salem, as well as some epic B and D-Horror movies πŸ™‚ And the PBS show, VictoriaΒ (not supernatural, but I LOVE period tv shows and movies!).

I really love the freedom of not having cable. The savings is fantastic. I only watched about 6 channels out of the 200+ I had. The only thing I miss is my local morning news. I enjoyed watching that before went to the day job. But I found the app for the local channels, so I can stream it live.

I don’t miss cable- it was a relief when I sent the equipment back. It was getting way too expensive, and I didn’t watch over half the channels.

And that’s about it for the weekend πŸ™‚ I hope you all had a great one!

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!Β I thought I’d do a little round up of 2016.

* Ghoultown was re-released on January 21, 2016.

*A Taste So Bittersweet was released on May 2, 2016.

*Over the River was re-released on May 18, 2016.

*The Duchess was released on August 19, 2016.

*The Red Barn was re-released on October 23, 2016.

*Aequitas was released on December 14, 2016.

Whew! Here’s hoping 2017 is as fruitful a year for writing as 2016 πŸ™‚ Thank you all for coming along for the ride, for buying the books, and reviewing them ❀

I wish you all a safe and happy New Year’s. I hope for nothing but love, joy, and happiness for all of you ❀ πŸ™‚


A Bit of This and That

Hello πŸ™‚ Β This is going to be a quick one, so I’m going to bullet point what’s going on.

*As a reminder, The Red Barn comes out as a FREE read (permanently free) on October 29th- perfect time of year for it!

*September 16th-18th: Over the River and The Duchess will be FREE. I’ll post a reminder on Friday πŸ™‚

*I’m almost done with the first draft of the dark paranormal cozy. Hopefully by the end of this month I’ll be working on revisions and such. My new goal with this one is to have it submitted to agents by the end of October, and I’m on track for that.

*I’m working on one other book in the Isles and West world, but with different characters and location. All I’ll say right now is that it takes place in Ghoultown (aka, Boston, for those who haven’t read Ghoultown).

*I’m working on two slayer booksΒ and have another one outlined (yes, one does feature Tuck πŸ™‚ ).

Of course I’ve written a bit on other books, but these are the ones that I’ve been working hard on.

To answer a reader question: yes, there will be more books with Delilah and Milly, but after Aequitas comes out in December, that will wrap up the initial trilogy. There’s a lot to explore in that world, things far darker (and lighter), more gifts…etc. I can’t write it all from Delilah and Milly’s point of view πŸ™‚

That’s about it for the writing and releases…at the moment. Gods know I’ve plenty of ideas in the pipeline!

Catch Up

My apologies for getting behind on my blogging! So, for a little Catch Up πŸ™‚

1: I’m about halfway through editing a book. I’m hoping to have it done by the end of this weekend- I have about 142 pages left to go.

2: I’ve got the first chapter written on a new paranormal mystery trilogy. This takes place in the Isles and West world, but in a different town with different characters. It’s also a bit lighter in tone than the Isles and West series, which I did on purpose. It’s more of a…dark cozy mystery πŸ™‚

3: I’ve also written the first chapter down of a dark paranormal novel that is also set in the I&W series but with a different set of characters. This is a single book, not part of series.

4: I’ve outlined several novels set in the I&W world, outside of Delilah and Milly. That world is lush, and filled with stories that bring you deeper into the Dark and Glory as well as different gifts and locations. I can’t wait to bring them all into the light for you to read!

5: I’m making good headway on the first Ghoultown novel! Different characters, different gifts–will be awesome!

6: I’m also a few chapters into a new series and new world. I don’t want to say too much on it right now, but I will tell you that it includes the classic monsters with a twist πŸ˜‰

7: I’m almost finished with a short story in the Slayer world. Different characters, but I love them all. This is an introduction to the full-length novel I’ve got planned for these characters.


That sounds like a lot of books at one time but it’s actually pretty tame for me LOL

I took a break from writing for about two months because of all the first half of the year releases, and it feels really great to be writing again, to feel that fire to bring new characters to life. I think the break really helped refresh my imagination and gave me a chance to recharge the creative batteries while I concentrated on promo and such.

So that’s what’s been going on with me πŸ™‚ Blogging should be back to normal from here on out!