“Hell” of a Day

I just finished the last read-through of Hell Ain’t A Bad Place To Be and put the finishing touches on the file. It is now off for formatting 🙂 When I have a firm release date, I will let everyone know. I think I’ll be doing a pre-order for this one, so those links will be up as soon as I set a firm date.

I can’t wait for you all to meet Vic and experience her part of the Isles and West World ❤

Cover Reveal(s)!

Hello, dear readers! I hope you are all well ❤

I have decided that I cannot keep these pretties to myself any longer 🙂 Here are the new covers for The Damned and Path to Damnation! I plan on re-releasing both sometime this spring, and will have that information to you as soon as I decided on dates.

These were brought to you by the amazing Skyla Dawn Cameron! ❤

Sunday Update

Well, hello!


Just a brief update on where my writing is at 🙂

*I am really close to being done with The Blood Queen. I am aiming for a September/October release date, though that depends on editing.

*Sera’s first book is still being revised. Almost done!

*Tuck 4~ kind of got off the tracks so I have gone back and read-through from the beginning. I think I know what happened and am in the process of fixing it. Still hoping to get it out this year.

*I have some finished, ready to go short stories that I’m planning on releasing soon! They need covers and formatting, but I’m hoping to get the first one out by end of July/August.

I, of course, have a bunch of ideas that have a few chapters each already written 😀 I work on whatever is loudest on Sundays and at the moment that’s The Blood Queen. I know it’s been awhile between releases but there is behind the scenes stuff happening and it’s slowed me down a bit. But rest assured, books are coming and I can’t wait for you to read them!

I’m going to leave you today with a poem from a short story I wrote in high school 🙂 The story would need major overhauling to be published today (I did write it for a senior project!), but the poem isn’t half bad. This came to me in Math class LOL

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! I thought I’d do a little round up of 2016.

* Ghoultown was re-released on January 21, 2016.

*A Taste So Bittersweet was released on May 2, 2016.

*Over the River was re-released on May 18, 2016.

*The Duchess was released on August 19, 2016.

*The Red Barn was re-released on October 23, 2016.

*Aequitas was released on December 14, 2016.

Whew! Here’s hoping 2017 is as fruitful a year for writing as 2016 🙂 Thank you all for coming along for the ride, for buying the books, and reviewing them ❤

I wish you all a safe and happy New Year’s. I hope for nothing but love, joy, and happiness for all of you ❤ 🙂


Wallpaper and Updates

Happy Friday! No Fantasy Friday today (I will post one next week). I do hope you’re all enjoying Aequitas!

Revisions for the dark cozy mystery are going well. I’m hoping to be able to submit by the end of the year. This book is in the Isles and West world, but with different characters/town (still in Vermont, though 🙂 ), and it’s not as dark with a dash more romance. I think you will all really like this one!

In other news, I’ve made up the new wallpaper for Aequitas for your desktops 🙂 Enjoy!



Tuesday Tidbits

Not much to report from the long weekend. The FB party for Over the River went very well- thanks to everyone who stopped in! I did get about 4k written on one project, which is wonderful. Though I’d hoped for more, I’m pleased with what I got and hopefully I can keep up the momentum 🙂

Other than that, I had a relaxing weekend and I hope you all had a safe and happy one as well.