New Release: Hell Ain’t A Bad Place To Be

Happy Tuesday!

Hell Ain’t A Bad Place to Be is now available! You can also read this for free on Kobo Plus. Happy reading!



Having ghosts show up at all hours of the day is nothing new for clairvoyant Vic Hawthorne. She takes both private cases as well as helps local law enforcement. But when the ghost of dear friend comes to her for help, Vic’s shaken to the core.

She hasn’t seen the ghost of Darrell Smoke since the night he was murdered in their senior year of high school—his murderer was caught the same night. Darrell tells her his killer wasn’t working alone, and that the ghost that aided in his death is back in town. Vic is immediately on the case, and it doesn’t take her long to realize that the unfinished business the dark ghost has come back for doesn’t just include Darrell.

Pre-Order: Hell Ain’t A Bad Place To Be

This Isles and West World novella is now up for pre-order! B&N may not show up immediately, saying “no results”, and if you get that message it should clear up by tomorrow.

Release Date: 12/12/2023



Having ghosts show up at all hours of the day is nothing new for clairvoyant Vic Hawthorne. She takes both private cases as well as helps local law enforcement. But when the ghost of dear friend comes to her for help, Vic’s shaken to the core.

She hasn’t seen the ghost of Darrell Smoke since the night he was murdered in their senior year of high school—his murderer was caught the same night. Darrell tells her his killer wasn’t working alone, and that the ghost that aided in his death is back in town. Vic is immediately on the case, and it doesn’t take her long to realize that the unfinished business the dark ghost has come back for doesn’t just include Darrell.

“Hell” of a Day

I just finished the last read-through of Hell Ain’t A Bad Place To Be and put the finishing touches on the file. It is now off for formatting 🙂 When I have a firm release date, I will let everyone know. I think I’ll be doing a pre-order for this one, so those links will be up as soon as I set a firm date.

I can’t wait for you all to meet Vic and experience her part of the Isles and West World ❤

Haunted Ireland

I just got back from my trip to Ireland. It is a beautiful country, and I can’t wait to go back and explore more! This is just one picture, from the Cliffs of Moher. The history I felt just standing at the cliffs and taking them in…I can’t find the accurate words, but it was powerful.

Ireland is also quite haunted 🙂 Scotland is the only other country I’ve been in where I sensed and interacted with so many spirits. The history bleeds out of the ground, and the spirits, and other non-human entities, seemed to touch nearly every place I went. If you are a paranormal enthusiast, I highly recommend visiting Ireland (and Scotland). Even if you don’t go for the ghosts, Ireland is a breathtaking country, and the people (at least the ones I met) are kind and welcoming.

I have so many story ideas! I wrote them in my notebook so I wouldn’t forget 🙂 But I think Scotland and Ireland will be in future books ❤

Rainy Day With Copyedits

I just finished copyedits for my fantasy flash fiction story. That story has now had a name change, and though I loved the original title, the new one fits much better. I’m so excited about the story and the anthology it’s in, and I’ll share more soon.

In other writing news:

~I had this amazing idea for a horror story last night and wrote the first chapter, plus hand wrote the beginning of the second chapter. While writing that opening scene for chapter two, I realized that I’m still so excited about storytelling and writing. I wrote my first story when I was about 5 years old, was first published by Musa Publishing in 2012, and now I’m self-publishing as well as submitting to agents and bigger publishers.

I love the art of storytelling, the process of writing (I actually really love the revision stage- it’s my favorite!), and I don’t think that will ever change ❤

~Tuck 4 had stalled a few weeks ago but after changing the ending of the newest chapter, she’s back on track and lined up for the big fight scene. The words are flowing again so I’m hoping that means the rough draft will be done by the end of November.

~I’m still working on my fantasy novel as well. I think writing that fantasy flash fiction kicked the novel into gear again. The novel is now over 35k, and I’m thinking the rough draft will be around 45k, but with revisions and edits that count will most likely end up around 70k.

~I’ve not printed out Shards or The Scrying House yet. The timing doesn’t feel write so I’m letting them sit for a little while longer.

~I finished the first pass of edits/revisions for Hell Ain’t A Bad Place To Be, and sent a note to my editor to look over one of the changes I made to make certain it flows well. I’m aiming for a December release and will update you as soon as that’s concrete.

I fell behind on my podcasting because of all of the writing, but I’ve got some Halloween/Samhain plans coming up next week that I’m so excited about. I can’t wait to share that on here as well as the podcast! Expect a new podcast around the first weekend of November 🙂

Another Rough Draft Complete

Much to my delight, The Scrying House decided it wanted to be finished sooner rather than later. This morning I completed the rough draft! I’ll set it aside for anywhere from a couple days to a couple weeks and then start revisions.

I have two rough drafts completed and ready for revisions and one book in the last stage of edits, plus two re-releases out now. This autumn has been quite productive!

Rainy Saturday

It’s raining, again, but that’s okay because we had a good week or so without any. The weather was beautiful! I’ve gotten a lot of writing done, and finished the first round of revisions for Hell Ain’t A Bad Place To Be. I’m aiming to get that book out by the end of the year, and eyeing the end of November/beginning of December.

I hope you are enjoying Salt & Iron! I had the best time writing that book back in 2020, and am happy to have it back in the wild. The Scrying House is coming along nicely- the first draft should be done by the end of the month/beginning of November. I believe I mentioned it here, but I have at least eight books planned for this series. I’ll be rotating narrators, so you can get a fuller view of Eden Hollow and its inhabitants. Besides The Scrying House, I have the opening scenes for two other books in the series written.

Before I forget to mention this: if you have a Kobo Plus subscription, you can get Salt & Iron for free. I’m in the process of setting up all of my books for Kobo Plus as it’s not exclusive, so I can still sell my books on other platforms.


And while you are checking out Salt & Iron, don’t forget to give The Arena some love as well!


New Release: Salt & Iron

Surprise! Salt & Iron is now available for purchase!

Note: the book is FREE on Kobo Plus 🙂



Hunting monsters is not an easy business, but for Billie Shane it’s the only
career she’s ever wanted. At nineteen, her aunt and uncle give her
something that means more to her than money—her first solo case. But
there’s a catch, and his name is Galileo Beck, a psychic training with the
state to help law enforcement with supernatural cases.

Billie has disliked the popular young man since childhood, but
unfortunately for her the case involves his three best friends. The three
managed to summon a powerful demon, and though locked in the
cemetery, the demon is feeding off them in order to gain the power to free

With a large festival coming to Eden Hollow, Billie and Galileo must
work together if they want to stop not only the death of his friends, but
also to save their hometown from becoming a feeding ground for a demon.

Cover Reveal: Hell Ain’t A Bad Place To Be

This is the novella I’ve mentioned over the last few weeks 🙂 The blurb is still a little rough, but it will give you an idea of what the story is about. I’m almost finished with the edits, so I should have a release date soon!

I’m absolutely in love with this cover ❤ I actually got emotional when I saw it the first time.


Having ghosts show up at all hours of the day is nothing new for clairvoyant Vic Hawthorne. She takes both private cases as well as helps local law enforcement. But when the ghost of dear friend comes to her for help, Vic’s shaken to the core.

She hasn’t seen the ghost of Darrell Smoke since the night he was murdered in their senior year of high school—his murderer was caught the same night. Darrell tells her his killer wasn’t working alone, and the ghost that aided in his death was back in town to clean up unfinished business. Vic is immediately on the case, and it doesn’t take her long to realize that the unfinished business the dark ghost has come back for doesn’t just include Darrell.