Forward Momentum

I made a bunch of notes on the story ideas I got in Ireland, and part of that was also jotting down character names as well writing the opening line/paragraph. As I’ve said in the past- I have so many notebooks scattered around so I never lose an idea again!

I finished first pass revisions on one of my Libby Bishop books, and I printed out Shards and The Scrying House. Both books are now reading for edits/revisions and I’m so excited!

I’m still aiming to publish Hell Ain’t A Bad Place To Be by the end of the year. I just want to do one more read-through before setting a solid date. The edits, from my editor, were finished before I went to Ireland, so I’m just reading it over to look for any small errors.

I’ve also finished the editing rounds for my fantasy short story- that will be in an anthology- which means I’ll be able to share more on that project soon. Excited for you all to read that one! I was part of the kickstarter for the anthology, and I have no idea why I was pulled to it so strongly, but I’m glad I was. As an author, this story challenged me in the best ways, and I’ve learned so much from writing a 1200 word story than I thought was possible ❤

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